
Corporate Social Responsibility, referred to as CSR, is a commitment to the pursuit of sustainable business operations. Many companies and supplier partners that LOGAH Technology cooperate and serve are also committed to this field.

LOGAH Technology hopes to aim at the EICC Code of Conduct advocated by the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC), and to maintain good corporate governance, strictly abide by business ethics, abide by labor rights, health and safety, environment and other oriented standards and committed to social responsibility.

Vision and Commitment

Fulfilling social responsibility and sustainable operation is the most important responsibility of LIYU Technology. The company's vision and commitment are as follows :

1. Maintain good corporate governance and Strictly abide by business ethics.

2. The organization, management and operation should comply with the relevant government and international regulations and continuously improve and pursue progress.

3. Comply with EICC code of conduct and social responsibility norms.

4. Provide employees with a safe and healthy working environment, space to give full play to their talents, and reasonable wages and benefits; promote environmental protection and earth-loving activities, and social benefit activities.

5. Educate employees to understand and support the company in fulfilling its corporate social responsibility.

6. Communicate with our customers and supplier partners on corporate social responsibility, learn from each other and make progress together.