Management System

1. General Manager: Formulate social responsibility vision, supervise the implementation and performance of various systems and policies.

2. Administration Department: planning, implementation and management of labor rights, ethics, health and safety, environment and education training.

3. Supervisors of each unit: daily supervise the implementation of compliance and implementation of various system policies.

4. All employees: daily implementation of compliance and implementation of various systems and policies.


LOGAH Technology promotes all employees of the company to abide by all laws, regulations and internal rules and regulations of the company at all times, uphold integrity, fairness and business ethics and devote themselves to all business activities they engage in. The content of this code clearly regulates the company's regulations on bribery, conflicts of interest, and the protection of company assets and reputation.

1. Do not engage in any activity or have personal interests that conflict with the interests of the Company.

2. Strictly protect the confidential information, assets and intellectual property rights of the company, customers and suppliers.

3. Gifts, gratuities or other giveaways to customers, suppliers or government officials are prohibited.

4. Never offer, give, solicit or accept bribes or kickbacks of any kind anywhere.

5. Honestly and accurately report all business transactions.

6. Accepting or arranging any business hospitality should comply with general business etiquette, and should not be too frequent or cause a lot of unnecessary expenditures, much less make customers or manufacturers think that gifts or hospitality are necessary conditions to establish or maintain business relations with the company.

Labor Rights

1. Employees are free to choose their occupation, and the company does not use forced, bonded labor (also known as debt slavery, debt bondage), indentured or involuntary labor.

2. The company does not use employees under the age of 18.

3. The company's working hours are in compliance with the Labor Standards Act.

4. Wages and benefits paid to employees by the Company comply with all applicable laws, including minimum wages, overtime pay and statutory benefits.

5. The company treats and respects every employee fairly, and does not treat employees in inhumane ways such as cruelty, insult, abuse, etc.

6. The company provides equal job opportunities to job seekers and every employee, Do not discriminate against employees in hiring and actual work (promotions, awards, training, etc.) because of race, skin color, age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability, pregnancy, belief, political affiliation, association membership or marital status, etc.

7. The company respects the rights of employees to freedom of association granted by law; protect employees from being able to communicate openly with management about working conditions without fear of reprisal, threats or harassment.


The company promises that, in the spirit of ISO 14001, not only fully comply with the environmental laws and regulations of the location where it operates, but also pay attention to the latest environmental issues in the world, take the lead in adopting environmentally friendly practices, effectively utilize energy/resources to protect the environment, and continue to seek progress and strive to prevent environmental pollute. In order to reduce the impact on the environment when the company conducts business, we will :

1. Consider the impact on the environment in any decision-making process.

2. Improve employees' awareness of environmental protection, and encourage employees to implement the attitude of environmental protection in their work.

3. Reduce waste through regeneration and reuse, and purchase products that use recycled materials, so that recycled products can be used efficiently and economically.

4. Efficient use of materials, resources and energy.

5. Cooperate with suppliers and logistics partners to focus on environmental protection.

6. Avoid hazardous substances and look for alternatives wherever possible.

7. Implement ISO14001

8. Regularly review environmental policies and continuously strive to improve our performance in environmental protection.

9.9.Environmental Impact Assessment Monitoring Report from Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.

Protective measures for employee working environment and personal safety

1. The office is equipped with central air-conditioning system, sufficient lighting equipment, comfortable and suitable visual and auditory work space.

2. Regular testing and maintenance of fire safety equipment, maintenance of various public equipment and comprehensive smoking control in office areas.

3. Guard management and entry personnel registration to strengthen the company's security protection.

4. Regularly implement cleaning and disinfection of various facilities in the workplace to ensure the hygiene and comfort of the working environment.

5. In order to reduce accident injuries and protect the safety and health of employees, "Accident Handling Measures" has been formulated.

6. All employees are covered by labor health insurance.