Shareholders' meeting information

1.Shareholders' Meeting Information (Stock Code: 3593)

2.Annual report of shareholders meeting

3.Important Resolutions of the Shareholders' Meeting and the Board of Directors

Meeting DateConference ThemeImportant Resolutions
Cause of case 5 :本公司經理人113年度經理人調薪追認案.
Cause of case 1 : The Company’s 2023 business report, parent company only financial statements, and consolidated financial statements.
Cause of case 2 : 2023 compensation of losses proposal.
Cause of case 3 : The 2023 "Declaration of Internal Control System" and "Effectiveness Review of Internal Control System."
Cause of case 4 : 更換簽證會計師案.
Cause of case 5 : Independence and suitability assessment and appointment of the Company's financial statement auditors.
Cause of case 6 : 113年預先核准簽證會計師擬提供之非確信服務清單案.
Cause of case 7 : Amendments to the Company's "Asset Acquisition and Disposal Procedures."
Cause of case 8 : 訂定子公司越南力銘科技責任有限公司「印鑑管理辦法」案.
Cause of case 9 : Amendments to the Company's "Board of Directors Conference Rules".
Cause of case 10 : Amendments to the Company's "Shareholders Conference Rules”.
Cause of case 11 : Change of lending arrangement with subsidiary - Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technologies Limited.
Cause of case 12 : Amendments to the "Operating Rules for Endorsements and Guarantees" of subsidiaries.
Cause of case 13 : 本公司為子公司背書保證異動案.
Cause of case 14 : 子公司蘇州隆登電子科技有限公司為子公司蘇州瑞登科技有限公司背書保證額度異動案.
Cause of case 15 : Discontinuation of the issuance of common shares by private placement approved in the 2023 shareholders' meeting.
Cause of case 16 : Private placement of common shares.
Cause of case 17 : Convention of 2024 Shareholders’ Meeting.
"The 8th board 4th meeting"Cause of case 1 : The Company's 2024 operating plan.
Cause of case 2 : Proposal to apply for credit facilities with financial institutions.
Cause of Case 3: The case of the company's fund loan to its subsidiary Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Cause of case 4 : Proposal to have subsidiaries apply for credit facilities with financial institutions.
Cause of case 5 :本公司經理人113年度經理人調薪追認案.
2023 1st Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
Cause of case 1 : 增選獨立董事乙案.
Cause of case 2 : Lifting the non-compete restrictions on newly elected directors.
"The 8th board 3th meeting"
Cause of case 1 : 2023 third-quarter consolidated financial statements of the Company..
Cause of case 2 : The Company’s 2024 audit plan.
Cause of case 3 : 訂定子公司越南力銘科技責任有限公司「內部控制制度」、「內部稽核實施細則」及「核決權限表」案.
Cause of case 4 : Change of lending arrangement with subsidiary - Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technologies Limited.
Cause of case 5 : Extension of endorsement/guarantee limits to subsidiaries.
Cause of case 6 : 子公司蘇州隆登電子科技有限公司處分設備予子公司越南力銘科技責任有限公司追認案.
Cause of case 7 : Review of 2022 compensation for directors (including independent directors), and General Manager.
Cause of case 8 : 修訂「董事、功能性委員及經理人薪酬辦法」案.
Cause of case 9 : 增選獨立董事案.
Cause of case 10 : 提名獨立董事候選人名單並審查被提名人資格.
Cause of case 11 : Lifting the non-compete restrictions on newly elected directors and their representatives.
Cause of case 12 : Convention of 2023 1st Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting.
"The 8th board 2th meeting"
Cause of case 1 : 2023 second-quarter consolidated financial statements of the Company.
Cause of case 2 : 本公司累積虧損達實收資本額二分之一案.
Cause of case 3 : 修訂子公司「核決權限表」案.
Cause of case 4 : 子公司樂陽投資股份有限公司減資暨訂定減資基準日案.
Cause of case 5 : 委任組成本公司第五屆薪資報酬委員會案.
Cause of case 6 : 本公司為子公司資金貸與異動案.
Cause of case 7 : 子公司俊輝科技(HK)有限公司資金貸與子公司蘇州隆登電子科技有限公司案.
Cause of case 8 : Extension of endorsement/guarantee to subsidiaries.
2023/6/29"The 8th board 1th meeting"
Cause of case 1 : 選舉本公司第八屆董事會董事長案.
2023/6/292023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
Cause of case 1 : 2022 business report and financial statements
Cause of case 2 : 2022 compensation of losses proposal.
Cause of case 3 : Amendments to the Company's "Articles of Incorporation".
Cause of case 4 : Private placement of common shares.
Cause of case 5 : 選舉第八屆董事6人,獨立董事3人案.
"The 7th board 20th meeting"
Cause of case 1 : The Company’s 2022 business report, parent company only financial statements, and consolidated financial statements.
Cause of case 2 : 2022 compensation of losses proposal.
Cause of case 3 : The 2022 "Declaration of Internal Control System" and "Effectiveness Review of Internal Control System."
Cause of case 4 : Independence and suitability assessment and appointment of the Company's financial statement auditors.
Cause of case 5 : The motion to establish general principles for the pre-approval of non-assurance service policies by the Company's auditing accounting firm.
Cause of case 6 : Change of seal custodian registered with the Ministry of Economic Affairs.
Cause of Case 7: The case of amendment of the company's "Articles of Association"
Cause of case 8 : Proposal to apply for credit facilities with financial institutions.
Cause of case 9 : Proposal to have subsidiaries apply for credit facilities with financial institutions.
Cause of case 10 : Change of lending arrangement with subsidiary - Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technologies Limited.
Cause of case 11 : Extension of endorsement/guarantee to subsidiaries.
Cause of case 12 : Change of lending arrangement between subsidiary - Logah Auto Accessories (Suzhou) (the lender) and subsidiary - Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technologies Limited (the borrower).
Cause of case 13 : Proposal to establish a subsidiary in Vietnam.
Cause of case 14 : Discontinuation of the issuance of common shares by private placement approved in the 2022 shareholders' meeting.
Cause of case 15 : Election of the 8th Board of Directors.
Cause of case 16 : Nomination of candidates for the Company's 8th board of directors (including independent directors)
Cause of case 17 : Lifting the non-compete restrictions on newly elected directors and their representatives.
Cause of case 18 : Private placement of common shares.
Cause of case 19 : Convention of 2023 Shareholders’ Meeting
"The 7th board 22th meeting"Cause of case 1 : Change and salary of the Company's financial supervisor, accounting supervisor and spokesperson.
Cause of case 2 : Change of seal custodian registered with the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

"The 7th board 21th meeting"Cause of case 1 : 2023 first-quarter consolidated financial statements of the Company.
Cause of case 2 : Appointment of the Corporate Governance Officer.
Cause of case 3 : Proposal to apply for credit facilities with financial institutions.
Cause of case 4 : Proposal to have subsidiaries apply for credit facilities with financial institutions.
Cause of case 5 : Change of lending arrangement with subsidiary - Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technologies Limited.
Cause of case 6 : Extension of endorsement/guarantee to subsidiaries.
Cause of case 7 : Extension of endorsement/guarantee limit by subsidiary - Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technologies Limited to subsidiary - Suzhou Ruideng Technologies Limited.
Cause of case 8 : Amendments to the "Operating Rules for Endorsements and Guarantees" of subsidiaries.
2023 1st Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
Cause of case 1 : 2022 business report and financial statements
Cause of case 2 : 2022 compensation of losses proposal.
Cause of case 3 : Amendments to the Company's "Articles of Incorporation".
Cause of case 4 : Private placement of common shares.
Cause of case 5 : 選舉第八屆董事6人,獨立董事3人案.
2022/03/18"The 7th board 14th meeting"Cause of Case 1: The case of the company's 2022 annual business report, individual financial statements and consolidated financial statements
Cause of Case 2: The case of the company's 2021 Loss Appropriation
Cause of Case 3: The case of the company's 2021 "Internal Control System Statement" and "Assessment Results of the Effectiveness of the Internal Control System"
Cause of case 4 : Independence and suitability assessment and appointment of the Company's financial statement auditors.
Cause of Case 5: The case of amendment to the company's "Acquisition or Disposal of Assets Handling Procedures"
Cause of Case 6: The case of amendment to the company's "Rules of Procedure for Shareholders' Meetings"
Cause of Case 7: The case of amendment of the company's "Articles of Association"
Cause of Case 8: The case of subsidiary director appointment
Cause of Case 9: The case of the company applying to the bank for financing quota
Cause of Case 10: The case of the company endorses the guarantee amount for the subsidiary
Cause of Case 11: The case of subsidiary applying to bank for financing quota
Cause of Case 12: The case of changes of the company's fund loan to its subsidiary Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Cause of Case 13: The case of changes of subsidiary Logah Auto Parts (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. Loaning fund to subsidiary Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Cause of Case 14: The case of holding the 2022 annual General Meeting of Shareholders
2022/06/24"The 7th board 16th meeting"
Cause of Case 1: The case of the company endorsing the guarantee amount for the subsidiary.
Cause of Case 2: The case of The subsidiary Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. endorsing the guarantee amount for the subsidiary Suzhou Ruideng Technology Co., Ltd.
Cause of Case 3:Proposal to have subsidiaries apply for credit facilities with banks
Cause of Case 4: The case of Subsidiary Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. plans to build rooftop photovoltaic.
2022/05/05"The 7th board 15th meeting"Cause of Case 1: The case of the company's Consolidated Financial Statements for the first quarter of 2022.
Cause of Case 2:Proposal to apply for credit facilities with banks.
Cause of Case 3: The case of handling the issuance of private common stock.
Cause of Case 4: The case of amendment to hold the 2022 annual General Meeting of Shareholders

2022/01/05"The 7th board 13th meeting"Cause of Case 1: The case of the company endorsing guarantee quota for subsidiary Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Cause of Case 2: The case of changes of the company's fund loan to its subsidiary Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Cause of Case 3: The case of Subsidiary Suzhou Ruideng Technology Co., Ltd’s fund loan to subsidiary Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Cause of Case 4: The case of adjustment of the company's organizational structure
Cause of Case 5: The case of 2022 subsidiary managers' Epidemic Prevention Allowance.
Cause of Case 6: The case of 2022 annual salary adjustment of subsidiary managers
Cause of Case 7: The case of manager bonus
2022/11/09"The 7th board 18th meeting"Cause of Case 1:2022 third-quarter consolidated financial statements of the Company.
Cause of Case 2:The Company's 2023 operating plan.
Cause of Case 3:The Company’s 2023 audit plan.
Cause of case 4 : Change of lending arrangement with subsidiary - Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technologies Limited.
Cause of Case 5:Extension of endorsement/guarantee limits to subsidiaries.
Cause of Case 6:Lending of capital by subsidiary - Suzhou Ruideng Technologies Limited to subsidiary - Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technologies Limited.
Cause of Case 7:Change of lending arrangement between subsidiary - Logah Auto Accessories (Suzhou) (the lender) and subsidiary - Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technologies Limited (the borrower).
Cause of Case 8:Amendments to the Company's "Material Insider Information Management and Insider Trading Prevention Procedures."
Cause of case 9 : Amendments to the Company's "Board of Directors Conference Rules".
Cause of Case 10:Proposal by subsidiary - Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technologies Limited to diversify in business activities and investments.
Cause of Case 11:Disposal of equipment by subsidiary - Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technologies Limited and subsidiary - Suzhou Ruideng Technologies Limited.
Cause of Case 12:Review of 2021 compensation for directors (including independent directors), the General Manager, and vice presidents.
2022/12/27"The 7th board 19th meeting"

Cause of Case 1;Amendments to the Company's "Articles of Incorporation."
Cause of Case 2:Proposal to apply for credit facilities with banks.
Cause of Case 3:Proposal to have subsidiaries apply for credit facilities with banks
Cause of case 4 : Change of lending arrangement with subsidiary - Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technologies Limited.
Cause of Case 5:Extension of endorsement/guarantee limit to subsidiary - Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technologies Limited.
Cause of Case 6:Change of lending arrangement between subsidiary - Logah Auto Accessories (Suzhou) (the lender) and subsidiary - Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technologies Limited (the borrower).
Cause of Case 7:Withdrawal of proposal by subsidiary - Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technologies Limited to diversify in business activities and investments.
Cause of Case 8:Withdrawal of equipment disposal by subsidiary - Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technologies Limited and subsidiary - Suzhou Ruideng Technologies Limited.
Cause of Case 9:Managers' bonus.
2022/08/05"The 7th board 17th meeting"Cause of Case 1: The case of the company's second quarter of 2022 Consolidated Financial Statements.
Cause of Case 2: The case of changes of the company's fund loan to its subsidiary Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Cause of Case 3: The case of Subsidiary Suzhou Ruideng Technology Co., Ltd’s fund loan to subsidiary Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
2022/06/162022 Annual General Meeting of ShareholdersCause of Case 1: The case of 2021 Annual Business Report and Financial Statements
Cause of Case 2: The case of 2021 Loss Appropriation
Cause of case 3 : Amendments to the Company's "Articles of Incorporation".
Cause of Case 4: The case of amendment to the company's "Rules of Procedure for Shareholders' Meetings"
Cause of Case 5: The case of amendment to the company's "Acquisition or Disposal of Assets Handling Procedures"
2021/01/26"The 7th board 6th meeting"Cause of Case 1: The case of the company issuing a letter of support for the bank
financing of the subsidiary Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Cause of Case 2: The case of Subsidiary Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. applied to the bank for financing quota
Cause of Case 3: The case of the company endorses the guarantee amount for the subsidiary Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Cause of Case 4: The case of change of Certified Public Accountant
Cause of Case 5: The case of Proposal to amend the "Remuneration Measures for Directors, Functional Committee Members and Managers"
Cause of Case 6: The case of subsidiary Manager Salary Adjustment
Cause of Case 7: The case of 2020 year-end bonus distribution case for chairman and managers (including subsidiaries)
2021/08/11"The 7th board 10th meeting"Cause of Case 1: The case of the company's Consolidated Financial Statements for the second quarter of 2021
Cause of Case 2:Proposal to apply for credit facilities with banks.
Cause of Case 3: The case of the company's fund loan to its subsidiary Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Cause of Case 4: The case of subsidiary Logah Auto Parts (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. loaning funds to its subsidiary Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Cause of Case 5: The case of subsidiary Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. applying to the bank for a financing quota
2021/11/09"The 7th board 12th meeting"Cause of Case 1: The case of consolidated Financial Statements of the company for the third quarter of 2021
Cause of Case 2: The case of the company's 2022 business plan
Cause of Case 3: The case of the company's 2022 audit plan
Cause of Case 4: The case of the company applying to the bank for financing quota
Cause of case 5 : Change of lending arrangement with subsidiary - Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technologies Limited.
Cause of Case 6: The case of review of the remuneration of directors (including independent directors), general managers and deputy general managers in 2020
Cause of Case 7: The case of revising "Measures for the Performance Evaluation of the Board of Directors"
Cause of Case 8: The case of changes in the salary of the chairman
Cause of Case 9: The case of manager salary change
2021/09/30"The 7th board 11th meeting"Cause of Case 1: The case of subsidiary Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. adjusts the equity transaction price of Suzhou Ruideng Technology Co., Ltd.
Cause of Case 2: The case of established the "Internal Control System" and "Implementation Rules of Internal Audit" for the subsidiary Suzhou Ruideng Technology Co., Ltd.
Cause of Case 3: The case of subsidiary Suzhou Ruideng Technology Co., Ltd. formulates relevant internal control measures
Cause of Case 4: The case of subsidiary Suzhou Ruideng Technology Co., Ltd. Loaning fund to subsidiary Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Cause of Case 5: The case of subsidiary Suzhou Ruideng Technology Co., Ltd. appointing a manager and lifting the non-compete
2021/05/12"The 7th board 8th meeting"Cause of Case 1: The Company's consolidated financial statements for the first quarter of 2011.
Cause of Case 2: The subsidiary, Logah Auto Parts (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. assess whether it is a case of capital loan for significant accounts receivable that have not been recovered within 3 months of the normal credit period.
Cause of Case 3: The case of changes of the company's fund loan to its subsidiary Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Cause of Case 4: The case of subsidiary Logah Auto Parts (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. loaning funds to subsidiary Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Cause of Case 5: The case of the company applied to the bank for a financing quota.
Cause of Case 6: The case of subsidiary Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
2021/07/15"The 7th board 9th meeting"Cause of Case 1: The company changes the date and place of the 110th annual general meeting of shareholders
Cause of Case 2: The case of newly reinvested in companies in mainland China
2021/03/25"The 7th board 7th meeting"Cause of Case 1: The case of the company's 2019 annual business report, individual financial statements and consolidated financial statements
Cause of Case 2: The case of the company's 2019 loss appropriation proposal
Cause of Case 3: The case of the company's 2019 "Internal Control System Statement" and "Internal Control System Effectiveness Assessment Results" case
Cause of Case 4: The case of change of the company's fund loan to its subsidiary Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Cause of Case 5: The case of Subsidiary Logah Auto Parts (Suzhou) Co., Ltd loaning fund to Subsidiary Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Cause of Case 6: The case of the company applied to the bank for the financing quota
Cause of Case 7: The case of proposal to amend the Company's "Rules of Procedure for Shareholders' Meetings"
Cause of Case 8: The case of amendment to the Company's "Acquisition or Disposal of Assets Handling Procedures"
Cause of Case 9: The case of evaluation and Appointment of the Independence and Competency of the Certified Public Accountants of the Company
Cause of Case10: The case of the 2019 Subsidiary Manager's Epidemic Prevention Subsidy Recognition
Cause of Case11: The case of 2021 Subsidiary Managers' Epidemic Prevention Allowance and Health Examination Subsidy
Cause of Case12: The case of 2020 Chairman's Performance Bonus
Cause of Case13: The case of the 2021 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
2021/08/192021 General Meeting of ShareholdersCause of Case 1: The case of 2020 annual Business Report and Financial Statements
Cause of Case 2: The case of 2020 Loss Appropriation
Cause of Case 3: The case of amendment to the company's "Rules of Procedure for Shareholders' Meetings"
Cause of Case 4: The case of revising the company's "Director Election Method"
Cause of Case 5: The case of amendment to the company's "Acquisition or Disposal of Assets Handling Procedures"
Cause of Case 6: The case of subsidiary Junhui Technology Co., Ltd. formulating the internal control measures for "Procedures for lending funds to others"
Cause of Case 7: The case of subsidiary Junhui Technology Co., Ltd. formulating the internal control measures for "Endorsement Guarantee Operation Procedures"
The sixth session and the 18th time Board of Director
Cause of Case 1: The case of the company's consolidated financial statements for the first quarter of 2020
Cause of Case 2: The case of the company loaning fund to the subsidiary company Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Cause of Case 3: The case of change of custodian of seal registered with the Ministry of Economic Affairs
The sixth session and the 17th time Board of Director
Cause of Case 1: The case of the company's 2019 annual business report, individual financial statements and consolidated financial statements
Cause of Case 2: The case of the company's 2019 loss appropriation
Cause of Case 3: The case of the company's 2019 "Internal Control System Statement" and "Internal Control System Effectiveness Assessment Results"
Cause of Case 4: The case of the company issuing a letter of support for bank financing of Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Cause of Case 5: The case of amendment of the company's 2020 audit plan
Cause of Case 6: The case of change of the company's audit supervisor ratified
Cause of Case 7: The case of change of the company loaning fund to its sub-subsidiary company Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Cause of Case 8: The case of the company endorses the guarantee amount for the sub-subsidiary company Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Cause of Case 9: The case of The sub-subsidiary company Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. applying to the bank for a financing quota
Cause of Case10: The case of amendment to the company's "Rules of Procedure for Shareholders' Meetings"
Cause of Case11: The case of amendment to the company's "Acquisition or Disposal of Assets Handling Procedures"
Cause of Case12: The case of revision of the company's "Rule of Procedures for the Board of Directors"
Cause of Case13: The case of evaluation and appointment of the independence and suitability of the company's certified public accountant
Cause of Case14: The case of election of the seventh session of directors
Cause of Case15: The case of nominating candidates for the seventh session of directors (including independent directors) of the company
Cause of Case16: The case of removing non-compete restrictions on new directors and their representatives
Cause of Case17: The case of holding the 2020 general meeting of shareholders
2020/11/10"The 7th board 4th meeting"Cause of Case 1: The case of the company's consolidated financial statements for the third quarter of 2020
Cause of Case 2: The case of the company's 2021 business plan
Cause of Case 3: The case of Subsidiary director appointment ratification
Cause of Case 4: The case of the company's 2021 audit plan
Cause of Case 5: The case of amendment to the company's relevant internal control measures
Cause of Case 6: The case of Hong Kong subsidiary Link Bright Technology Limited formulates relevant internal control measures
2020/12/04"The 7th board 5th meeting"Cause of Case 1: The case of the company loaning fund to its subsidiary Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Cause of Case 2: The case of handling the first private placement of common stock, price setting and related matters
Cause of Case 3: The case of handling the second private placement of common stock, price setting and related matters
2020/10/21"The 7th board 3th meeting"Cause of Case 1: The case of Subsidiary Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. purchase equipment ratification
Cause of Case 2: The case of Subsidiary Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. plans to dispose of Chang'an plant
Cause of Case 3: The case of the company loaning fund to subsidiaries
"The 7th board 2th meeting"
Cause of Case 1: The case of the company's consolidated financial statements for the second quarter of 2020
Cause of Case 2: The case of change of treasurer, accountant and spokesperson
Cause of Case 3: The case of change of custodian of seal registered with the Ministry of Economic Affairs
Cause of Case 4: The case of the company signing a cooperation agreement with National Sun Yat-Sen University for ratification
Cause of Case 5: The case of the company loaning fund to subsidiary Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Cause of Case 6: The case of proposing investment in Link Bright Technology Limited
Cause of Case 7: The case of reviewing the 2019 remuneration of directors (including independent directors), general managers and deputy general managers
"The 7th board 1th meeting"
Cause of Case 1: The case of election of the chairman of the board for the seventh session of directors of the company
Cause of Case 2: The case of appointing to form the 4th session of Salary and Remuneration Committee of the company
2020/06/152020 General Meeting of Shareholders
Cause of Case 1: The case of 2019 annual business report and financial statements
Cause of Case 2: The case of 2019 loss appropriation
Cause of Case 3: The case of amendment to the company's "Rules of Procedure for Shareholders' Meetings"
Cause of Case 4: The case of amendment to the company's "Acquisition or Disposal of Assets Handling Procedures"
Cause of Case 5: The case of handling the issuance of private common stock
Cause of Case 6: The case of electing 6 directors and 3 independent directors for the seventh session
Cause of Case 7: The case of removing of non-compete restrictions on new directors and their representatives
2019/07/11The sixth session and the 14th time Board of DirectorCause of Case 1: The case of change of treasurer, accountant and spokesperson
Cause of Case 2: The case of reviewing the remuneration of directors (including independent directors), general managers and deputy general managers in 2018
Cause of Case 3: The case of change of the custodian of the company seal registered with the Ministry of Economic Affairs
Cause of Case 4: The case of the company endorsing the guarantee amount for the subsidiary
Cause of Case 5: The case of the company loaning fund to subsidiaries
Cause of Case 6: The case of subsidiary Seychelles canceling fund loan to Logah Technology Co., Ltd.
Cause of Case 7: The case of revising the "Internal Control System" of the company and its subsidiary Suzhou Longden
Cause of Case 8: The case of handling the first private placement of ordinary shares, price setting and related matters
Cause of Case 9: The case of handling the second private placement of ordinary shares, price setting and related matters
2019/11/13The sixth session and the 16th time Board of DirectorCause of Case 1: The case of consolidated financial statements of the company for the third quarter of 2019
Cause of Case 2: The case of the company's 2020 business plan
Cause of Case 3: The case of the company loaning fund to the sub-subsidiary company Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Cause of Case 4: The case of Logah Auto Parts (Suzhou) Co., Ltd., a sub-subsidiary company, loaning fun to sub-subsidiary company, Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Cause of Case 5: The case of the company's 2020 audit plan
Cause of Case 6: The case of the company applying to the bank for financing quota
Cause of Case 7: The case of the sub-subsidiary company Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. applying to the bank for ratification of the financing quota
Cause of Case 8: The case of handling the third private placement of ordinary shares, price setting and related matters
Cause of Case 9: The case of handling the fourth private placement of ordinary shares, price setting and related matters
2019/08/12The sixth session and the 15th time Board of DirectorCause of Case 1: The case of the company's consolidated financial statements for the second quarter of 2019
Cause of Case 2: The case of sub-subsidiary company Logah auto parts (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. loaning fund to Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
2019/05/10The sixth session and the 13th time Board of DirectorCause of Case 1: The case of consolidated financial statements of the company for the first quarter of 2019
Cause of Case 2: The case of stipulating "Standard Operating Procedures for Handling Directors' Requests"
Cause of Case 3: The case of the company endorsing the guarantee amount for the subsidiary Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
2019/03/25The sixth session and the twelfth time Board of DirectorCause of Case 1: The case of the company's 2018 business report, individual financial statements and consolidated financial statements
Cause of Case 2: The case of the company's 2018 loss appropriation
Cause of Case 3: The case of the company's employee remuneration and directors and supervisors remuneration distribution in 2018
Cause of Case 4: The case of the company's 2018 "Internal Control System Statement" and "Internal Control System Effectiveness Assessment Results"
Cause of Case 5: The case of the company issuing a letter of support for the bank financing of Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Cause of Case 6: The case of subsidiary Logah Seychelles Co., Ltd. plans for capital reduction
Cause of Case 7: The case of the subsidiary Logah Auto Parts (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. endorsing the guarantee quota for Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Cause of Case 8: The case of the company appointing a long-term legal adviser for ratification
Cause of Case 9: The case of revising the company's "operation method of fund loan to others" and "operation method of endorsement guarantee "
Cause of Case10: The case of evaluation and appointment of the independence and suitability of the company's certified public accountants
Cause of Case11: The case of the company interrupting the private placement of ordinary shares approved by the 2018 shareholders' meeting
Cause of Case12: The case of handling the issuance of private common stock
Cause of Case13: The case of holding the 2019 general meeting of shareholders
2018/01/16The sixth session and the fourth time Board of Director1.The case of the directors of the company are dismissed for three seats, and an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders being called for by-election in accordance with Article 201 of the company law.
2.The case of holding the 2018 shareholders' extraordinary meeting
3.The case of the company's endorsement guarantee quota for its subsidiary Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. being revised down
4.The case of subsidiary Leyang Investment Co., Ltd. adding the endorsement guarantee quota for Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
2018/03/21The sixth session and the sixth time Board of Director1.The case of the company's 2017 individual financial statements, consolidated financial statements and earnings distribution statement
2.The case of the company's 2017 business report
3.The case of the company's 2018 business plan
4.The case of the company's 2017 profit and loss appropriation
5.The case of planning of capital reduction to make up for losses
6.The case of the company's 2017 internal control system statement
7.The case of subsidiary Logah Seychelles Co., Ltd. cancelling the fund loan to Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
2018/02/06The sixth and fifth time Board of DirectorThe fifth meeting of the board of directors 1.The case of the company adopts the candidate nomination system for directors, and the qualification review of the nominees list.
2018/11/10The sixth session and the tenth time Board of DirectorCause of Case 1: The case of the company's consolidated financial statements for the third quarter of 2018
Cause of Case 2: The case of cancellation of the guarantee amount of the company's endorsement for the subsidiary Logah Seychelles Co., Ltd.
Cause of Case 3: The case of the company's new fund loan to Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Cause of Case 4: The case of subsidiary Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. planning to build a factory with its owned land.
Cause of Case 5: The case of 2019 audit plan
Cause of Case 6: Description of appointment of Mr. Su Zhenghui as deputy general manager of the accounting and administration office and salary
Cause of Case 7: The case of changes in accounting supervisor and treasurer and spokesperson
2018/12/27The sixth session and the eleventh time Board of DirectorCause of Case 1: The case of the company's 2019 operating plan
Cause of Case 2: The case of custodian of company seal registered with the Ministry of Economic Affairs
Cause of Case 3: The case of amendment to "acquisition or disposal of assets handling procedures"
Cause of Case 4: The case of the company applying for the credit line of the financial institution
Cause of Case 5: The case of amendment of the "approval authority" of the company and its subsidiary
Cause of Case 6: The case of revising the "internal control system" and "internal audit system" of the subsidiary Suzhou Longden
Cause of Case 7: The case of updating the company's "remuneration measures for directors, functional committee members and managers"
Cause of Case 8: The case of the company's 2018 chairman and manager year-end bonus payment amount
2018/08/06The sixth session and the eighth time Board of DirectorCause of Case 1: The case of the company's consolidated financial statements for the second quarter of 2018
Cause of Case 2: The case of loaning fund to Logah Technology Co., Ltd. on behalf of the subsidiary Logah Seychelles Co., Ltd.
Cause of Case 3: The case of the company endorsing the guarantee amount for the subsidiary Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Cause of Case 4: The case of revising the "endorsement and guarantee procedures" for the company and its subsidiary
Cause of Case 5: The case of proposing to set the base date for the company's 2018 capital reduction
Cause of Case 6: The case of change of general manager on behalf of the subsidiary Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
2018/09/06The sixth session and the ninth time Board of DirectorCause of Case: The case of determining the base date for capital reduction and stock exchange of the company and the operation plan for capital reduction and stock exchange, etc and related matters
2018/05/09The sixth session and the seventh time Board of DirectorCause of Case 1: The case of the company's consolidated financial statements for the first quarter of 2018
Cause of Case 2: The case of loaning fund to Logah Technology Co., Ltd. on behalf of the subsidiary Logah Seychelles Co., Ltd.
Cause of Case 3: The case of subsidiary Leyang Investment Co., Ltd. cancelling the endorsement guarantee quota for Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Cause of Case 4: The case of the company adding the endorsement guarantee quota for the subsidiary Logah Seychelles Co., Ltd.
Cause of Case 5: The case of subsidiary Logah Auto Parts (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. adding an endorsement guarantee quota for Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Cause of Case 6: The case of the company applying for the credit line of the financial institution
Cause of Case 7: The case of revising "Operating Procedures for Internal Control System of Shareholding Units"
Cause of Case 8: The case of the company planning to issue ordinary shares by means of private placement for cash capital increase in 2018
Cause of Case 9: The case of amendment of the company's "Articles of Association"
Cause of Case10: The case of resignation of the general manager of the company
Cause of Case11: The case of removing of non-compete restrictions on managers
2018/03/052018 General Meeting of ShareholdersAs the number of shares required for this extraordinary general meeting did not reach the required number of shares, in accordance with Article 9 of the company's "Rules of Procedure for the Shareholders' Meeting", it was announced that the meeting time would be postponed twice, for a total of one hour, however, after the postponement of the meeting time, the number of shares attended is still less than the statutory amount of the meeting stipulated in Article 174 of the company law. The chairman announced that the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2018 would be adjourned.
2018/06/292018 General Meeting of Shareholders1.The case of 2017 business report and financial statements
2.The case of 2017 profit and loss appropriation
3.The case of planning for capital reduction to make up for losses
4.The case of revising "director election method"
5.The case of proposing to handle cash capital increase by private placement to issue ordinary shares
6.The case of amendment to the “Articles of Association”
7.By-election for three seats of the sixth session of directors
2017/11/09The sixth session and the third time Board Board of Directors1. The case of the company's consolidated financial statements for the third quarter of 2017.
2. The case of cancellation of Subsidiary Logah Seychelles Co., Ltd. Loaning funds to Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
3. The case of revision of the company's "Code of Procedures for the Board of Directors"
4. The case of revision of the company's "Director Election Method"
5. The case of amendment of the company's "Organization Regulations of the Audit Committee".
6. The case of amendment of the company's "Rule of Responsibilities of Independent Directors"
7. The case of formulating the "Measures for Reporting Cases of Illegal and Immoral or Dishonest Behavior"
8. The case of Audit Plan for the year of 2018
2017/08/08The sixth session and the second time Board of Directors1. The case of the company's Consolidated Financial Statements for the Second Quarter of 2017
2. The case of the company's endorsement guarantee amount for its subsidiary Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
3. The case of the company, on behalf of the subsidiary Liming Brunei Co., Ltd., loaning fund to Logah Technology Co., Ltd.
4. The case of proposal of new business project of subsidiary Leyang Investment Co., Ltd.
5. The case of announcing the personnel changes of key operation managers on behalf of the subsidiary Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.,
2017/06/28The sixth session and the first time Board of Directors1. The case of election of the chairman of the sixth session Board of Directors of the company
2. The case of appointment to form the third session Audit Committee of the company
3. The case of appointment to form the third session remuneration committee of the company
4. The case of scheduling monthly remuneration for independent directors of the current session
2017/03/28The fifth session and the eighteenth time Board of Directors1. The case of the company's 2016 Individual Financial Statements, Consolidated Financial Statements and Earnings Distribution Statement
2. The case of the company's 2016 annual business report
3. The case of the company's 2017 business plan
4. The case of loaning funds to Logah Technology Co., Ltd. on behalf of the subsidiary Logah Brunei Co., Ltd.
5. The case of the company applying for a line of credit from a financial institution
6. The case of the company issued a letter of support for the bank financing of Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
7. The case of the company's internal control system statement for the year of 2016.
8. The case of amendment to "Operating Procedures for Internal Control System of Shareholding Units"
9. The case of revising our company's "Endorsement guarantee work method "
10. The case of revision of the company's "Code of Practice on Corporate Social Responsibility"
11. The case of amendment to the company's "Acquisition or Disposal of Assets Handling Procedures"
12. The case of amendment to the company's "Rules of Procedure for Shareholders' Meetings"
13. The case of amendment to the company's "Director Election Method"
14. The case of amendment of the company's "Procedures for applying for suspension and resumption of trading operations"
15. The case of election of the sixth session of directors
16. The case of removal of non-compete restrictions on directors
17. The case of holding the 2017 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
2017/05/10The fifth session and the nineteenth time Board of Directors1. Draft of the company's 2017 first quarter Consolidated Financial Statements and Accountants' Review Report
2. The case of the independent director of the company adopting the candidate nomination system, and the qualification of the nominee list is reviewed
3. The case of formulate the "Accountant Independence Assessment Method"
4. The case of the company's 2016 years of independent assessment of certified accountants
5. The case of change the company's certified accountant
2017/02/22The fifth session and the seventeenth time Board of DirectorsCause of Case 1: The case of the company applying for a line of credit from a financial institution
2017/06/282017 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders1. The case of 2016 Annual Business Report, Final Account Statement and Earnings Distribution Statement
2. The case of amendment to "Endorsement Guarantee Operation Method"
3. The case of amendment to "Acquisition and Disposal of Assets Handling Procedures"
4. The case of amendment to the "Rules of Procedure for Shareholders' Meetings"
5. The case of amendment to "Director Election Method"
6. The case of election of the sixth session of directors
7. The case of removal of non-compete restrictions on directors
2016/08/09The fifth session and the fourteenth time Board of Directors1. Draft of the company's 2nd Quarter 2016 Consolidated Financial Statements and Accountants' Review Report
2. The case of Logah Technology Co., Ltd. endorsing guarantee Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
3. The case of Leyang Investment Co., Ltd. revising fund Loan amount to Logah Technology Co., Ltd.
Provisional motion: 1. The case of Leyang Investment Co., Ltd. revising fund Loan amount to Logah Technology Co., Ltd.
1. The case of Leyang Investment Co., Ltd. revising fund Loan amount to Logah Technology Co., Ltd.
2016/12/16The fifth session and the sixteenth time Board of DirectorsCause of Case 1: The case of the subsidiary Leyang Investment Co., Ltd. extending fund loan to Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Cause of Case 2: The case of the subsidiary Logah Brunei Co., Ltd. loaning fund to Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
2016/11/07The fifth session and the fifteenth time Board of Directors1. Draft of the company's 2016 Third Quarter Consolidated Financial Statements and Accountants' Review Report
2. The case of the company revising down the endorsement guarantee amount of Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
3. The case of subsidiary Logah Electronics (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. Loaning fund to Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
4. The case of subsidiary Logah Brunei Co., Ltd. Loaning fund to Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
5. The case of 2017 Audit Plan
6. The case of amendments to the company's "Internal Significant Information Processing and insider trading Prevention Management Procedures"
7. The case of amendments to the company's "Code of Practice on Corporate Social Responsibility"
8. The case of amendments to the company's "Code of Governance Practices"
2016/05/04The fifth session and the the thirteenth time Board of Directors1. The case of the company's Consolidated Financial Statements for the First Quarter of 2016
2. The case of loaning fund to Logah Technology Co., Ltd. on behalf of the subsidiary Logah Brunei Co., Ltd.,
2016/03/07The fifth session and the the thirteenth time Board of Directors1. The company's 2015 Individual Financial Statements, Consolidated Financial Statements and Earnings Distribution Statement
2. The company's 2015 annual business report
3. The case of the company's 2016 business plan
4. The case of the company's "correction of Endorsement guarantee amount of Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd."
5. Response assessment of the company's intention to improve its working capital structure
6. The case of the company holding the 2016 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
7. The case of Statement of the company's Internal Control System in 2015
8. The case of revising the "Working Procedures for Internal Control System of Shareholding Units" and deleted the "Working Procedures for Statistical Verification of Power of Attorneys"
2015/02/24The fifth session and the sixth time Board of Directors1. The company's Individual Financial Statements and Consolidated Financial Statements for the year of 2014
2. The company's annual business report for the year of 2014
3. The company's Loss Appropriation for the year of 2014
4. The company's annual operating plan for the year of 2015
5. Amendment of the company's "Endorsement guarantee work method"
6. The company's endorsement guarantee subsidiary Suzhou Long Electronics Co., Ltd.
7. The company has established "Personal Data Protection Management Procedures"
8. Statement of the company's Internal Control System for the year of 2014
9. Amendment of the company's "Internal Control System" and "Internal Audit System"
10. The company intends to sell the Zhubei office
11. Amendment of the company's "Articles of Association"
2. Holding the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for the year of 2015
13. Bank financing limit
2015/08/11The fifth session and the tenth time Board of Directors1. The company's 2015 Second Quarter Consolidated Financial Statements
2. Amendment of the operation of loaning funds of the company and its subsidiaries to others
3. Cancellation of subsidiary Leyang Investment Co., Ltd. of loaning funds to Logah Electronics (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. and Logah Technology Co., Ltd.
2015/11/10The fifth session and the eleventh time Board of Directors1. The company's Consolidated Financial Statements for the Third Quarter of 2015
2. The company enhances its own financial reporting capability plan
3. Audit plan for the year of 2016
4. Drafted the "Endorsement Guarantee Operation Measures" of the subsidiary Leyang Investment Co., Ltd.
5. Logah Technology Co., Ltd. plans to loan funds to Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
6. Brunei Co., Ltd. intends to loan funds to Logah Technology Co., Ltd.
7. Logah Technology Co., Ltd. endorse guarantee Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
8. Response assessment of the company's intention to improve its working capital structure
9. The company plans to formulate the "Application Procedures for Suspension and Resumption of Trading Operations"
10. Amendment of the company's "Articles of Association"
11. Plans to formulate the company's "Code of Practice on Corporate Governance"
12. Plans to formulate the company's "Corporate Social Responsibility Code of Practice"
13. Plans to formulate the company's "Integrity Management Code"
14. Plans to formulate the company's "Integrity Management Operating Procedures and Behavior Guidelines"
15. Plans to formulate the company's "Code of Ethical Conduct"
16. Changes in the company's audit supervisor
2015/05/07The fifth session and the eighth time Board of Directors1. The company's Consolidated Financial Statements for the First Quarter of 2015
2. The company intends to loan funds to Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
3., Loaning funds to Suzhou Longdeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. on behalf of the subsidiary Logah Electronics Suzhou Co., Ltd.
4. Amendment of the company's "Working Procedures for the Internal Control System of the Shareholding Units"
2015/06/12The fifth session and the ninth time Board of Directors1. Change of the address of the head office established by the company
2015/04/20The fifth session and the seventh time Board of Directors1. Amendment of the company's "Endorsement guarantee work method"
2014/01/02The fourth session and the fourteenth time Board of Directors1. The case of holding General Meeting of Shareholders for the year of 2014
2. The case of election of the fifth session Board of Directors
3. The case of lifting the non-compete restriction on newly elected directors and independent directors
2014/02/10The fourth session and the fifteenth time Board of Directors1. The company's individual financial statements and consolidated financial statements for the year of 2013
2. The company's annual business report for the year of 2013
3. The case of the company's loss appropriation for the year of 2013
4. The case of the company's annual internal control system statement for the year of 2013
5. The case of amendment to the company's "Articles of Association"
6. The case of the company's business plan for the year of 2014
7. The case of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders' Nomination Review of Independent Director Candidates
8. Review of shareholder proposals at the General Meeting of Shareholders for the year of 2014
2014/08/07The fifth session and the fourth time Board of Directors1. The company's consolidated financial statements for the second quarter of 2014
2. The case of the company's fund loan to Suzhou Lippo Electronics Co., Ltd.
3. Disposition of Zhubei Office
4. The case of investment in mainland China
2014/11/11The fifth session and the fifth time Board of Directors1. The company's consolidated financial statements for the third quarter of 2014
2. Audit plan for the year of 2015
2014/05/26The fifth session and the third time Board of Directors1. The company's operating plan for the second half of 2014
2. The case of change of the company's certified accountant
3. The case of important personnel changes of the company
4. The case of Mainland China investment
2014/04/24The fifth session and the second time1. The case of the company's consolidated financial statements for the first quarter of 2014
2. The case of amendment of the "Operating Procedures for the Internal Control System of the Shareholding Unit"
2014/03/28The fifth session and the first time Board of Directors1. The case of election of the Chairman of the Fifth Session of the Board of Directors of the company
2. The case of appointment to form the second session audit committee of the company
3. The case of appointment to form the company's second session remuneration committee
4. The case of scheduling monthly remuneration for independent directors of the current session
2014/03/282014 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders1. The case of the final accounts for the year of 2013
2. The case of Losses for the year of 2013
3. The case of amendment to the "Articles of Association"
4. Election of the fifth session of directors
5. The case of lifting the restriction on non-compete of directors
2013/05/09The fourth session and the tenth time Board of Directors1. The company's business report and annual business plan for the first quarter of 2013
2. Situation of adjustments to the company's Distributable Earnings using International Financial Reporting Standards
3. The company's consolidated financial report for the first quarter of 2013
4. The case of amendment of the company's articles of association
5. The case of amendment to the Act on the Election of Directors of the company
6. The case of amendment to the Rules of Procedure of the Shareholders' Meeting of the company
7. The case of the subsidiary Suzhou Wujiang Plant "Logah merger with Lippo"
2013/10/30The fourth session and the thirteenth time Board of Directors1. The company's consolidated financial statements for the third quarter of 2013
2. Subsidiaries Suzhou Logah and Suzhou Lippo dispose of assets this year
3. Audit plan for the year of 2014
4. Personnel Appointment
2013/08/09The fourth session and the twelfth time Board of Directors1. The company's consolidated financial statements for the second quarter of 2013
2. The case of changing the company's certified accountant
3. amendment of "Operating Procedures for Internal Control System of the Shareholding Unit"
4. Application for comprehensive credit line of bank
5. Important personnel changes of the company
2013/05/27The fourth session and the eleventh time Board of Directors (provisional)1. Set up a strategy committee
2. Appointment of the general manager of the company
2013/03/26The fourth session and the ninth time Board of Directors1. The company's Financial Statements and Consolidated Financial Statements for the year of 2012
2. The company's annual business report for the year of 2012
3. The case of the company's Earnings Distribution Proposal for the year of 2012
4. The case of Annual Internal Control System Statement for the year of 2012
5. The case of amendment to the company's "Acquisition or Disposal of Assets Handling Procedures"
6. The case of amendment of the company's "Operation method of loaning funds to others" and "operation method of endorsement guarantee"
7. The case of amendment to the company's "Accounting System", "Liability Commitment and Matters Management Measures" and "Operating procedures for transactions with specific companies, group companies and affiliated companies"
8. The case of amendment of the company's "Internal Control System" and "Internal Audit System"
9. The case of amendment of the company's "Code of Procedures for the Board of Directors"
10. The case of amendment of the company's "Working Procedures for Internal Control System of Shareholding Units"
11. The case of renewal of the company's Bank Comprehensive Credit Line
12. The case of holding Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for the year of 2013
2013/06/282013 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders1. The case of final accounts for the year of 2012
2. The case of surplus distribution plan for the year of 2012
3. The case of amendment to the "Articles of Association"
4. The case of amendments of the "Rules of Procedure for Shareholders' Meetings"
5. The case of amendments of "Director Election Method"
6. The case of amendment to the "Measures for Fund Loans to Others' Operations"
7. The case of amendment to the "Endorsement Guarantee Operational Measures"
8. The case of amendment to the "Procedures for the Acquisition or Disposal of Assets"
2012/03/22The fourth session and the fourth time Board of Directors1. The company's financial statements for the year 2011
2. The company's consolidated financial statements for the year 2011
3. The company's annual business report for the year 2011
4. The case of the company's Earnings Distribution for the year of 2011
5. The case of the company's business plan for the year of 2012
6. The case of amendment to the company's "Internal Control System" and "Internal Audit System"
7. The case of amendment to the company's audit plan for the year of 2012
8. The case of amendment to the company's "Articles of Association"
9. The case of amendment to company's "Rules of Procedure for Shareholders' Meeting"
10. The case of amendment to company's "Director Election Measures"
11. The case of holding General Meeting of Shareholders for the year of 2012
12. The case of renewal of the company's Bank Comprehensive Credit Line
2012/08/12The fourth session and the sixth time Board of Directors (provisional)1. The case of passing the company's important personnel changes
2012/04/25The fourth session and the fifth time Board of Directors1. The company's financial statements for the first quarter of 2012
2. The case of the Annual Internal Control System Statement for the year of 2011
3. Stipulate the company's "Acquisition or Disposal of Assets Handling Procedures"
2012/10/25The fourth session and the eighth time Board of Directors1. The company's financial statements for the first three quarters of 2012
2. The case of audit plan for 2013.
3. The case of amendment of the company's "Working Procedures for Internal Control System of Shareholding Units"
4. The case of the company's important personnel appointments
5. The case of the company's comprehensive credit line of Bank SinoPac
6. The case of capital expenditures for relocation of the company's Suzhou Logah Electronics and Lippo Electronics Wujiang factories
2012/08/23The fourth session and the seventh time Board of Directors1. The company's Financial Statements for the First Half of 2012
2. The company's Consolidated Financial Statements for the First Half of 2012
3. The case of change of the company's audit visa accountant
4. Application for comprehensive credit line of bank
2012/06/272012 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders1. The case of annual final accounts for the year of 2011
2. The case of surplus distribution plan for the year of 2011
3. The case of amendment to the "Articles of Association"
4. The case of amendments of the "Rules of Procedure for Shareholders' Meetings"
5. The case of amendments of "Director Election Method"
6. The case of amendment to the "Acquisition or Disposal of Assets Handling Procedures"
2011/10/21The fourth session and the third time Board of Directors1. The company's financial statements for the first three quarters of 2011
2. The company's annual audit plan for the year of 2012
3. Amendment of company's "Working Procedures for Internal Control System of Shareholding Units"
4. The case of proposing to set up a salary and remuneration committee and formulate the organizational rules of the salary and remuneration committee
5. The case of appointment of salary and remuneration committee members
6. The case of proposing to set the monthly remuneration for the independent directors of the company
2011/08/24The fourth session and the second time Board of Directors1. The company's financial statements for the first half of 2011
2. The company's Consolidated Financial Statements for the first half of 2011
3. The case of determining the ex-dividend date for cash dividends
4. The case of applying for a comprehensive credit line of NT$200 million from Ta Chong Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.
2011/06/28The fourth session and the first time Board of Directors1. The case of election of the chairman of the fourth session board of directors of the company
2. The case of appointment to form the first session audit committee of the company
2011/03/15The third session and the fourteenth time Board of Directors1. The case of approving the annual business report and financial statements (including consolidated financial statements) for the year of 2010
2. The case of approving the office relocation
3. The case of recognizing the audit supervisor
4. The case of recognizing the financial and accounting supervisor
5. The case of approving subsidiary Logah Electronics (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. loaning funds to its subsidiary Suzhou Lippo Electronics Co., Ltd. for a one-year extension of USD 5 million
6. The case of holding the general meeting of shareholders for the year of 2011
7. The case of lifting the non-compete restriction on newly elected directors and independent directors
8. The case of approving the comprehensive credit line of Hua Nan Commercial Bank
2011/05/03The third session and the sixteenth time Board of Directors1. The case of operational plan for the year of 2011
2. The case of the nomination review of independent director candidates at the general meeting of shareholder for the year of 2011
3. Shareholders' proposal review at the general meeting of shareholders for the year of 2011
2011/04/27The third session and the fifteenth time Board of Directors1. The case of the company's financial statements for the first quarter of 2011
2. The case of the company's Earnings Distribution for the year of 2010
3. The case of statement of Internal Control System
4. The case of amendment to the "Articles of Association" of the company
5. The case of establishing the company's "Organization Regulations of the Audit Committee"
6. The case of amendment to the company's "Code of Procedures for the Board of Directors"
7. The case of amendment to the company's "Procedures for the Appointment of Directors and Supervisors"
8. The case of amendment to the company's " Operation Measures for Funds loan to Others "
9. The case of amendment to the company's "Endorsement Guarantee Operational Measures"
10. The case of re-election of all directors
11. The case of capital increase of US$5 million in Suzhou Lippo Electronics Co., Ltd.
2011/06/282011 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders1. The case of annual final accounts for the year of 2010
2. The case of annual surplus distribution plan for the year of 2010
3. The case of amendment to the "Articles of Association"
4. The case of amendment to the "Procedures for the Appointment of Directors and Supervisors"
5. The case of amendment to the "Operation Procedures for Loaning Funds to Others"
6. The case of amendment to the "Endorsement Guarantee Operational Measures"
7. Election of the fourth session of directors
8. The case of lifting the restriction on non-compete of directors
2010/03/24The third session and the tenth time Board of Directors1. Approving the company's annual business report and financial statements (including consolidated financial statements) for the year of 2009
2. The case of approving of amendments to the "Operations Measures for Funds Loan to Others"
3. The case of approving to hold the annual General Meeting of Shareholders for the year of 2010
4. The case of approving the change of audit supervisor
5. Approving the cancellation of the case of Lippo liquidation and the case of Lippo equipment for sales on August 25, 2009
6. The case of application of bank loan limit
2010/10/27The third session and the thirteenth time Board of Directors1. The case of approving the resignation and agency of financial and accounting supervisors
2. The case of the company's financial statements for the first three quarters of 2010
3. The case of the company's annual audit plan for the year of 2011
4. Amendment to the "Endorsement Guarantee Operation Measures" of the company and Logah Electronics (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
5. Approving the revision of the company's "Operating Procedures for Internal Control System of the Shareholding Unit"
6. The case of approving the comprehensive credit line case of Bank SinoPac
7. The case of approving the company's proposed acquisition of real estate (office)
2010/08/24The third session and the twelfth time Board of Directors1. The case of approving of amendment to the change of the certified accountant of the company
2. The financial statements and consolidated financial statements for the first half of 2010
3. The case of determining the Ex-dividend Date for Cash Dividends
4. The case of approving of appointment and dismissal of the internal audit supervisor
5. The case of approving personnel resignation recognition
6. The case of approving of application for a comprehensive credit line of NT$200 million from the Ta Chong Commercial Bank
2010/04/27The third session and the eleventh time Board of Directors1. The case of approving the company's annual Earnings Distribution for the year of 2009
2. The case of approving the internal control system statement
3. The case of approving the company's "Procedure Rules for the Board of Directors"
4. The case of approving the company's "Fund loan to others’ operation method"
5. The case of approving the company's "Endorsement Guarantee Operation Procedures"
6. The case of approving of the change of the financial supervisor of the company
7. The case of approving of the company's "Articles of Association"
2010/06/092010 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders1. The case of approving annual business report and financial statement for the year of 2009
2. The case of approving surplus distribution for the year of 2009
3. The case of approving to revision of the “operation method of loaning funds to others”
4. The case of approving to amendments of the "Endorsement Guarantee Operational Measures"
5. The case of approving to amendments to the "Articles of Association"
2009/10/22The third session and the ninth time Board of Directors1. The case of approving the company's annual audit plan for the year of 2010